Social Media Marketing to Drive Website Traffic and Lead Generation

You could be a small or medium or big size company. Social Media is all over the place. Your brand’s presence on Social Platforms decides your credibility.

So is your business present on Social Media? If No – Why? If Yes, is it bringing traffic to your website? Is this traffic relevant? How to target the right audience and drive the lead generation through social media?

Social Media Marketing helps you to promote your services and products. It increases your brand awareness. Companies like you must reach your target audience. Optimized Social Media Marketing practices help you to achieve:

  • Boosting Brand Awareness
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Generate new leads
  • Boost brand engagement
  • Know your positive and negative reviews and try to solve the problems through

You all know which social media channels are in buzz now! Listing down the most popular and effective social media channels

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. LinkedIn

You don’t have to be on them all-just the ones that matter to you and your audience.

We need to analyze these social media channels. And then determine the strategy. Let’s see how these social media perform individually and how you need to put a plan for each of these.

Facebook Marketing

Facebook Audience worldwide and their behaviour pattern:

Facebook Worldwide Users

Facebook Trends

Optimize Facebook Marketing for maximum Benefits

Build your Presence

Complete a Profile to build your brand presence

  1. Make your profile complete. It shows professionalism.
  2. Profiles will require two parts, posts and images too. The Logos and Images on profiles need to be the same on all your social media channels. The identification is easy in this way.
  3. Make sure you have an attractive cover image.

Start Posting Regularly

The likes, comments, shares on your profile increase when you share relevant content regularly. It marks your presence across Facebook.

How to make your Organic Facebook Marketing successful?

1. Posting Your services/ products

2. Publishing Relevant Trends, Research articles

3. You have to make sure not to bore and be all the time informative.

Try to put content that goes viral, like memes, or funny Images

4. Interact, stay in touch who engage with your posts

5. Do not forget to promote your other social media platforms on Facebook.

6. You can use organic post targeting to reach the right people. You can target your according to age, gender, location, and interest

7. Publish videos on your Facebook profiles regularly. Keep it short. Two minutes or less time is ideal

8. Hashtags –Please do not overcrowd those. Two – Maximum number of Hashtags

9. Create a Group of your Brand: Add those who are the most engaged. Market your products and services with special discounts and offers.

10. Email about your new post to your existing client

11. Take contests

12. Paid Ads: Utilize your budget for generating leads through Facebook Ads

13. Best time to Post Your Special Story of the week: Wednesday, 11 a.m., and 1–2 p.m.

14. Frequency of Posting: Once a Day

Twitter Marketing

Brands need to have an active Twitter profile. You should also be interactive and instantly available.

How to Use Twitter For Business Success?

1. Profile: Complete it, Please! What should it have?

  • Banner Image
  • Profile Picture
  • Name
  • Twitter Handle
  • Bio
  • Link: Use a tracking link to understand traffic
  • Location

Tip: Do not forget to put Pinned Tweet: Can be News of the Week/Month or Offers or any Events happening. Update the Pinned post regularly. Use Logo as Profile Picture.

Twitter Presence Worldwide


2. Get in touch with Individuals and Brands Directly:

Connections and genuine conversations with these connections are great for Small Businesses. It shows that you care and value your followers.

3. What can you Post on Twitter?

  • About Services/ Products
  • Industry News


  • Trending Topics

Coronavirus: A visual guide to the economic impact

  • Memes and GIFs
  • Sales/Offers
  • Blogs, Infographics
  • Events
  • Job Openings
  • Motivational Quotes
  • Tips
  • Reviews
  • Take Polls
  1. Frequency of Tweets per day: 10 Unique Posts
  2. Best time to post: Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. for key announcements. For engagements: Monday- Friday: 8 a.m. – 4p.m.
  3. An influencer on Twitter: According to Twitter, the purchase intent of users increased over five-fold when they come across tweets from both influencers and brands, as opposed to 2.7 times with just brand tweets. Once you start building followers, you need to find suitable influencer for your promotions and business benefits

Instagram Marketing

Instagram is a medium of visual content. Photos and videos are the most engaging than text-only formats. Some stats prove why your business should be on Instagram.So if you are still away from IG, you are missing out on a big marketing opportunity.

How do you make Most out of Instagram Marketing?

Instagram Users Worldwide

  1. Have Instagram Business Account
  2. 30% of global Instagram audiences were aged between 18 and 24 years, and 35 % aged between 25 and 34 years. 72% of teens use Instagram. So make sure you target your products/ services accordingly.
  3. 89% indicated that Instagram was the most important social media channel for influencer marketing. You can partner with influencers for Stories, Live sessions to drive engagement; it builds interest in the audience.
  4. Videos get over two times more engagement than Instagram photos. Try to put at least a Video per week on your InstaStories or Posts. You can go live once with your customers.
  5. Hashtags increase your visibility. Use popular hashtags related to your niche and industry.
  6.  Put prolific Insta live stories. Stories are live for 24 hours. You can save them on your phone and use it later again for promotion


7. Once you have 10k followers, you can use the Swipe Up feature. It will directly take your audience to the desired landing page messages. So if you are still away from IG, you are missing out on a big marketing opportunity.

8. Posting at right Time: Peak days and hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. find when your followers are most active, schedule accordingly

9. Over ⅓ of Instagram users have used Instagram to purchase a product online. 75% of Instagram users take action, such as visiting a website, after looking at an Instagram advertising post. So you can use Sponsored Posts in the form of photos, videos, or stories.

10. Instagram delivers 58 times more engagement per follower than Facebook and 150 times more engagement per follower than Twitter. (Source) Everyone likes to hear a great story. So Keep the quality of your Instagram Content interesting. You also need to make sure it looks good.

Pro tip: Respond to messages, comments as fast. Give discounts to followers

LinkedIn Marketing

It is the most powerful Social Media for B2B marketing. LinkedIn is strictly professional in its approach. LI targets the niche market that your business serves. The image shows how vital LinkedIn is for all Businesses.

How to chalk out LinkedIn Marketing Strategy?


1. Set up a Company Page:

Give every detail of your business. Put Company Logo as a Profile picture and add a relevant cover photo. Add a description and fill out all the details.

2. Employee Engagement:

Employees are 14x more likely to share content from their employers than other types of content on LinkedIn. Start growing your audience from your employees. Make sure Employees Follow your page. Putting their position at your company and sharing the content increases your reach.

3. Publishing LinkedIn content:

Promote your services, products on the LinkedIn company page. Talk about conferences, events company’s key people attending. Publish some industry-related trending topics research articles. Share your followers’ content as well.

4. Thought Leadership on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is useful for content marketers, specifically in B2B.

  • Thus Thought Leadership content builds trust. The Company Leadership team can write articles on LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform to reach the business audience.
  • You can post your blogs, white papers.
  • You can also publish innovations post your blog company created, how did you handle the challenges during the latest projects, and so on. Give it a personal touch. It has a good impact on the crowd.
  • You can use images, videos, presentations. Add relevant hashtags.
  • Put work-related You need to make sure it will educate and provide information to use in business.

Pro Tip: Make sure you reply to comments, questions. Also, tackle negative comments on your article. Do not neglect.

Thought Leadership in LinkedIn Marketing

5. Use LinkedIn Groups:

The groups have professionals with the same interest or from the same industry. You can share your problems, solutions, and insights into these groups to engage with more people. You can also promote your events, offers, and sales of your offerings.

LinkedIn Lead Generation Stats

6. Use LinkedIn for Lead Generation:

LinkedIn is strictly about the job profile. And most of the LinkedIn users update their latest position and company. So it is easy to find purchasing decisionmakers just by searching for some keywords. You can connect with them. Send them messages or start having a conversation over messages on LinkedIn. Create content to target these business heads.

7. Mobile is the Key:

57% of LinkedIn’s traffic is mobile. Make sure your content goes well on mobiles. Images, videos may not always be mobile-friendly.

8. Sponsored Inmail:

Sponsored InMail has a 52% open rate, on average. When you have decision-makers on your laptop screens, you just need to draft an engaging message to let them know about the services you have. It helps in reaching your audience for sure and can convert into a lead.

9. The cost per lead on LinkedIn:

The cost per lead on LinkedIn is 28% lower than on Google AdWords. Using LinkedIn sponsored ads helps to reach your prospective clients in no time. Creative and to the point ads make your life simple to fetch a client. Optimize your ads and increase the budget to reach more and more people.

Along with these individual marketing strategies for each social medium, there are common to do’s

  • Research what your competitors are doing
  • Social Media Audit: Check what works and what does not and optimize the strategy. Measure the impact of each social media channel. All these channels have an analytics tool.
  • Provide support and try to solve issues of customers through all your social media channels
  • Always have Social Media content calendar handy
  • Schedule your posts to target various demography.

ProTip: Do not forget the special day’s posts. E.g., World Women’s Day, World Earth day, Environmental day, and so on.

To make your brand reach to your target audience, Fiviza will help you in all Social Media Marketing Campaigns. From designing the campaigns to analytics and optimizing each time to improve your ROI, we help you in each step of Social Media Marketing.

Fiviza has a team of Top Social Media Marketing  professionals. Their experience and expertise will help you win new leads. For more, contact


Phone: +1 972 646 1696(USA)
